Tag Archives: Minecraft

THE ROOM: An Architectural Theory of the Future Technological Foundations of a VR Universe.

In a recent GAMESPOT article, Strauss Zelnick, the CEO of Take-Two Interactive, encapsulated in a single sentence, the greatest challenge ahead for Virtual Reality. He said, “…there is no market for [an] … entertainment device that requires you to dedicate a room to the activity.” He, then, went on to identify the second major issue, when he jokingly said, “We don’t have a [room] where you stand in a big open space and hold two controllers with something on your head—and not crash into the coffee table. We don’t have that.”

And that my friends, is why Mr. Zelnick, though admittedly not a “gamer,” makes the big bucks.

Fig. 2: Staring at walls.
Figure 1: “…staring at moving pictures on walls.”

As progeny of the television-centric home entertainment ecosystem (HEe)[1] we have grown accustomed to staring at moving pictures on walls (see Figure 1), and not moving while we do so. Certainly there are times when movement is appropriate and expected, but in order to fit within the HEe it must be anticipated, and changes made to accommodate the increased need for space and separation. In other words, you need to move “the coffee table” so no one gets injured.

But in most cases, we watch TV, not moving, and, often, reclining. In fact, there have been numerous studies conducted by the manufacturers of video and audio equipment that indicate the best viewing angle, and thus seating position, for the consumer to fully enjoy a, so-called, “immersive,” entertainment experience. VR will eventually demand more.

In this, the first of a two-part series of the BOOM, I examine the problems inherent in the VR experience, as a duplication and augmentation of reality, in the context of spatial dynamics (the ROOM), room orientation, stabilization, and finally, sound presentation. It is around these fundamentals, along with several others, that the foundations of true, cognitive envelopment, necessary to convince our minds we are really somewhere else, may be established.



Desde junio de este año, BOOM Salad ha estado rentando sus propios “servidores[1] para el videojuego violento, Battlefield 4.[2] Esto quiere decir que por los últimos meses hemos pagado una compañía por el privilegio de manejar y mantener nuestro propio ámbito multijugador online para el juego. Prácticamente cualquier persona en cualquier país que posea Battlefield 4 y que tenga una conexión internet de alta velocidad puede jugar en nuestros servidores.

Durante los últimos 120 días que nuestro servido Playstation 3 (PS3) ha estado disponible y accesible al  público, hemos jugado con y contra jugadores de una gran variedad de grupos de edad, de cultura, de etnia y de género. Esto nos ha permitido una oportunidad única de observar y participar directamente en lo que es conocido como los masivos juegos multijugador mundiales o Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming (MMO, véase Figura 1).

Figura 1
Figura 1: Imagen de un evento en nuestro “servidor.” Véase el video de arriba

Ejemplos importantes de este género incluyen World of Warcraft y Minecraft. El juego Minecraft se ha devuelto en un fenómeno cultural mundial comparable con la manía del juego Pacman de los primeros años de 1980.[3] Más que un simple laberinto en que la meta nunca cambia ni llega a ser más que el consumo de puntos, frutas y fantasmas, es perfectamente posible que Minecraft sea uno de los juegos más sutilmente complejo que jamás se ha visto.

Como su anónimo, es mejor pensar en el juego como que tiene “niveles” de complejidad. Cada nivel ofrece muchas oportunidades de interacción empática y pro-social con otros jugadores online. El número de jugadores que pueden participar en una sola sesión depende en el plataforma, pero para las consolas como Playstation 4 (PS4), lo máximo es ocho a la vez.[4] En las conversaciones que hemos tenido con los jugadores menores de Minecraft,[5] nos dijeron una y otra vez que el motivo principal era construir cosas con sus amigos. La frase “construir cosas” no quiere decir espadas, bombas y otras armas aunque eso puede ser. A los jóvenes con quienes hemos hablado les interesaba mucho más construir castillos con recámaras adornadas y habitaciones subterráneas (véase el video de abajo). Sin embargo, ya que este juego incluye imágenes violentas en sus escenarios de batalla (que se puede activar o desactivar), eso se equivale con otros llamados “videojuegos violentos” como Battlefield 4 y por consecuencia se les considera “peligroso [para la sociedad],” por muchos de la comunidad médica. [6]

En las Ediciones I y II de esta serie hemos demostrado cómo los argumentos en contra los videojuegos con representaciones violentas son basados en una llamada “conexión” entre la violencia del mundo real y la de los videojuegos. Esta “conexión” es observada en aquellos que juegan los videojuegos violentos, según los resultados de varias investigaciones médicas, [7] por la disminución cuantificable de la función cognitiva dentro de las áreas conocidas como reguladores e influencias en el comportamiento agresivo y violento. Si estas conclusiones son exactas o no, [8] el hecho es que no ofrecen una respuesta suficiente a la pregunta más importante de todas (algo que BOOM Salad ha procurado contestar desde nuestra primera edición [9]): ¿Por qué la gente juega estos juegos en primer lugar?

“A estranha violência de Video Games, Parte III: “BOOM Salad Cria Um Fim para a estigmatização, marginalização e a e a deturpação de Jogos de Vídeo Game Violentos e os Jogadores que amam jogá-los.”


Desde Junho desse ano, BOOM Salad vêm alugando os seus próprios “servidores” para o jogo violento, Battlefield 4. Isso significa que, esses meses passados, nós pagamos a uma companhia pelo privilégio em poder manter o nosso próprio ambiente de multijogadores online no jogo. Virtualmente qualquer pessoa no mundo que tem o jogo Battlefield 4, e que tem acesso à internet rápida e de boa qualidade, poderão jogar com os nossos próprios servidores.

Figura 1: Imagem de um evento em nosso “servidor”. Assista o video acima.
Figura 1: Imagem de um evento em nosso “servidor”. Assista o video acima.

Nos 120 dias em que o nosso servidor de Playstation 3 (PS3) tinha sido operacional, e aberto ao público, nós temos jogado com e contra uma variedade de idades, culturas, etnicidade, e gêneros. Isso tem custado a nós uma oportunidade única para observar e participar, em primeira mão ao, no que é conhecido mundialmente, um jogo multijogador ou Massivamente Multijogador.

Exemplos importantes desse gênero incluem World of Warcraft ou Minecraft. O jogo Minecraft, está tornando-se um fenômeno global e cultural, alcançando a sensação do jogo Pacman dos anos 80. Mais que um simples labirinto em que o objetivo nunca muda, e que nunca vai além do consumo de bolinhas, frutas e fantasmas, Minecraft pode muito bem ser um dos jogos mais sutilmente complexo que já foi inventado.

Como o nome já diz, o melhor a pensar é de um jogo que tenha camadas de complexidade. Cada camada fornece diversas oportunidades de socialização e interação empática com outros jogadores online. O número de jogadores que poderão participar em uma sessão individual interativamente depende da plataforma, mas para os consoles como o Playstation 4 (PS4), o máximo seria oito de cada vez.

Em conversas que nós tivemos com jogadores jovens de Minecraft, eles nos falaram que o motivo principal para o qual eles estarem jogando era para construir coisas com os amigos. E por falar em “construir coisas”, nós não queremos dizer que são espadas e bombas e outras armas, apesar de que isso tudo é possível. As crianças que nós falamos estavam mais interessadas em construir castelos com quartos com ornamentos incríveis e moradias subterrâneas (assista o vídeo abaixo). E ainda porque o jogo inclui representações de violência nas batalhas (os quais podem ser ligados ou desligados), ele é equipado com o tão chamado “jogos de vídeo game-violentos”, como Battlefield 4, e é portanto considerado por muitos dentro da comunidade de medicina por ser “prejudicial [à sociedade].”

Nas partes 1 e 2 dessa série, nós demonstramos como os argumentos de vídeo games com representações violentas baseiam-se em um “link” entre a violência do mundo real e violência do jogo de vídeo. Esse “link” é observável, de acordo com vários estudos médicos, em aqueles que jogam jogos violentos, no declínio mensurável na função cognitiva em áreas que são conhecidos como regulamentar e que influenciam o comportamento agressivo e violento. Independente se essas conclusões são exatas ou não, o fato é que eles não fornecem uma resposta satisfatória para a pergunta mais importante de todas, (algo que o BOOM Salad têm se esforçado desde a nossa primeira edição): Por que as pessoas jogam esses jogos em primeiro lugar?

The Uncanny Violence of Video Games, Part III: “BOOM Salad Calls For An End to the Stigmatization, Marginalization, and Misrepresentation of Violent Video Games and the Players that Love To Play Them.”


Since June of this year, BOOM Salad has been renting its own “servers[1] for the violent video game, Battlefield 4.[2] This means that, for the past several months, we have paid a company for the privilege of managing and maintaining our own online, multiplayer environment for the game. Virtually anyone in the world, who owns Battlefield 4, and has access to a high-speed Internet connection, can play on our servers.

Figure 1: Image from a BOOM Salad event on our "server" in which players between the ages of 10 - 20 tried to launch vehicles in the air with explosive munitions while riding them. See the video "Mr. Flowers and His Dirty Band of T-baggers."
Figure 1: Image from an event on our “server.” See the video above.

In the 120 days that our Playstation 3 (PS3)server has been operational, and open to the public, we have played with and against a wide variety of age groups, cultures, ethnicities, and genders. This has afforded us a unique opportunity to observe and participate, first-hand, in what’s known as worldwide, multiplayer gaming, or, Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming (MMO, see Figure 1).

Important examples of the genre include World of Warcraft and Minecraft. The game, Minecraft, has become a global, cultural phenomenon, somewhere on par with the Pacman craze of the early-1980’s.[3] But more than just a simple maze in which the goal never changes, and never gets beyond the consumption of dots, fruit, and ghosts, Minecraft may very well be one of the most subtly complex video games ever devised.

Like its namesake, it is best to think of the game as having “layers” of complexity. Each layer provides numerous opportunities for pro-social, empathetic interaction with other players online. The number of players that can participate in a single session interactively depends on the platform, but for consoles like the Playstation 4 (PS4), the maximum is eight at a time.[4]

In conversations we have had with younger players of Minecraft,[5] we were told, time and again, that the primary motive for playing was building things with their friends. And by, “building things,” we don’t mean swords, and bombs, and other weapons, though all that is possible. The children we spoke with were far more interested in building castles with incredibly ornate bedrooms, and underground dwellings (see video below). And yet, because the game includes depictions of violence in its battle play (which can be turned on or off), it is equated with other, so-called “violent-video games,” like Battlefield 4, and is, therefore, considered by many in the medical community to be, “harmful [to society].”[6].

In Parts I and II of this series, we demonstrated how the arguments against video games with violent depictions are based on a so-called, “link,” between real-world violence and video game violence. This “link” is observable, according to various medical studies, [7] in those who play violent video games, in the measurable decline in cognitive function in areas that are known to regulate and influence aggressive and violent behavior. Whether or not these conclusions are accurate, [8] the fact is they do not provide a satisfying answer to the most important question of all, (something BOOM Salad has endeavored to do since our first issue, [9]): Why do people play these games in the first place?

The Uncanny Violence of Video Games, Part IIb, “The META of Video Gaming.”

The META of Video Gaming.What is the so-called “META” of video gaming, and why is it important to video gaming as a culture and cognitive exercise? By “cognitive exercise” I mean the experience of gaming as a rule- and rewards-based event that requires one’s cognitive functions to perform successfully and routinely. In this context, it is possible extrapolate the consideration of META to apply to all forms and genres of gaming that rely on cognitive function for performance. Likewise, it can be said with some confidence that the META of video gaming is derivative of the META of all gaming.

But what do we mean by META? And how is it related to gaming as a “competitive” cognitive exercise?

The theory of a “Meta” for video gaming is not new but perhaps, newly discovered, in that more attention is being paid to its creation and maintenance as a cognitive knowledge structure. These act as inputs to the formulation of behavior scripts that define an individual’s actions and reactions given a specific environment[1].

As one participates in a competitive activity, such as “chess”, or volleyball, they develop a knowledge structure that reflects her or his continuously evolving strategy to achieve the game’s Primary Objective[2]. Here, the word “strategy” includes the adaptive learning of the game’s mechanics, as well as, the player’s various functions within the gaming environment. Moreover, it is influenced and recognizable by its constantly changing, tactical expressions.

Given this definition, the META of video games such as “Flower” can be equated to the evolving strategies and tactics necessary to complete each map (see Video below).

With repetition, a player becomes more proficient through trial and error, thereby informing and rewriting her or his META for the game. META efficiency, therefore, is analogous to performance proficiency. In other words, the more proficiently a player performs in the attainment of the game’s Primary Objective, the more efficient the META upon which the performance is based. In this way, performance proficiency and META efficiency are directly tied to repeated play and exposure to the game.

Figure 1 is a visual representation of the creation and maintenance of the META for the video game, “Flower.”

Figure 1: META of "Flower."
Figure 1: META of “Flower.”