Category Archives: VIDEO

BOOM Salad 出品:durtyrezkidz, 也称为”TURBO AJ LITTLE BIRD.” 枪林弹雨!

  • BS-Durty-Ann-Art-2


我非常骄傲地向我们的读者宣布,BOOM最新赞助的人: durtyrezkidz, 也就是“Turbo AJ Little Bird。”

结合我们以往的经验, 非常明显他是我们所见过的最好的侦查直升机的飞行员。快来观看视频和感受他精湛的技巧吧······天空就要塌了。

BOOM Salad Proudly Presents: durtyrezkidz, a.k.a “Turbo Aj Little Bird.” The Sky is Falling!

BS-Durty-Ann-Art-2Rarely does one get an opportunity to witness what happens when total mastery over fundamentals intersects with raw talent. And yet, that is exactly what has happened: lightning has struck the BOOM twice!

It is with great pride that I announce to our readers, the BOOM’s latest sponsee: durtyrezkidz, a.k.a. “Turbo AJ Little Bird.

He is simply the BEST Little Bird pilot we have ever seen, a remarkable statement considering our past experience. Come watch and be amazed…the sky is falling.